According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, socialism is defined as a system of society or as a political theory in which there is no private property and the government administers the means of production and distribution of goods.
The Merriam-Webster children’s and English learner’s dictionaries define socialism as a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies.
The meaning of the term “socialism” is often misconstrued. Usually due to the slant of one’s personal political opinions or because they are swayed by the views of others. These pictures seen below, found in a Google image search of the word "socialism", illustrate some of the numerous common views on socialism.
Extreme Fear?
These three pictures show an attitude of extreme fear toward the application of socialism as a political system in the Uited States by comparison to the extreme tactics used by dictators in other countries. For example, Hitler and Karl Marx, considered the father of socialism.
Thieves and Murderers?
These images show a point of view in which socialists stand for “stealing” from those with more money in order to give it to the less wealthy. They also show more fear of socialism for different reasons. One image depicts socialism as Satan choking prosperity while another warns against a government that is too powerful. To me this photo poses an interesting question; if our government supplies us with everything we have, and we do not truly earn nor own anything for ourselves, how easily can it all be taken away?
Pretty Lies and Dead End Theories?
These pictures tell us that the promise of a better socialist society may just be a pretty picture painted by those who could benefit from it, but it would never actually work for the society as a whole. The plan sounds nice but... The cartoon shows our country being hypnotized by the shiny, happy promises made by socialism. We are told to blindly trust the government and all the while we are being strangled by it.
Or are we just lying to ourselves?
The above are some of the more pro-socialism images found. They suggest that those people who are opposed to socialism are just being childish, hypocritical, and difficult by saying that we already have socialist elements in our government.